I’m from Kuwait but setting in England, UK. I just came for my knee, I had misalignment in both knees and I needed stem cell therapy to fix both knees.
How did you find out about us, our clinic?
I just searched stem cell therapies and it was one of the best facilities in Europe. You guys have 4 facilities and one of the doctors recommended me to Belgrade, ‘cause there were specialists in meniscus here, so I just booked my tickets and came to Belgrade.
Can you tell us a little bit more about your experience here in the clinic? What did you have, what type of therapy?
Sure. I had physiotherapy. I had the stem cell therapy. They took it from my fat storage in my stomach and then they inserted the stem cell therapy in my knees. And the experience was amazing, honestly, the staff was amazing. Everyone is like friendly, family environment. You’re not even like a clinic, it’s like more of a house, like you’re welcome from day 1, until you leave. It was a pleasure honestly to have met everyone here at the clinic and to see Belgrade for the first time.
Do you maybe notice any changes? I know it’s a short period of time that you’re here, but maybe some…
Ivan, my physiotherapist, focused really on my hips, ‘cause he realized there were troubles with my hips that is related to my knee. But regards to this treatment, I think it’s still too early to say anything, but I’m hoping for the best, hopefully. There was no pain, the procedure was so straightforward. The fear of going in wasn’t really there. It was like an hour and then for the treatment I was actually awake, for the second one, for my knee treatment, I asked them to not put a lot of anesthesia and I was actually awake and then I saw everything. It was really like a friendly environment, it was fun, it wasn’t like a procedure, it was like something normal, just an injection and hopefully everything’s gonna be fine.
OK. So are we going to see you here in Belgrade again?
Hopefully, hopefully! I’ll meet you guys again, for sure! I’ll come see you guys and honestly I really like the environment, like I said, and I’m happy and sad at the same time, ‘cause I’m leaving. I’m happy ‘cause I’m done, but I’m sad ‘cause I’m leaving like a family behind, you know? And I loved every moment of it, honestly.
OK. We’re looking forward to see you again.
Thank you so much. Yeah, hopefully, yes. Thank you so much, thank you.
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