
Stem Cell Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mirabella from India Patient

Hi everyone, my name is Mirabella. We came into this clinic for our nephew, who is four years old, and he’s got autism. It’s been a very difficult long journey for us, about a year of research and speaking to a lot of people from all over the world. We’ve got friends in the USA, Germany, Austria, UK, especially in the UK at the moment and it was really, really difficult because everyone decided… They think just therapy is enough for a child with autism, but unfortunately it is not. We’ve been doing this for a year like healthy food, exercising, therapy, nursery…it didn’t work unfortunately. So, in the end we decided for the cell stem treatment and again, with lots of research, asking questions with this Indian we had two options to come to Austria or Serbia. Even at the beginning, we were a little bit…not scared but…people saying “Oh maybe Serbia is just like a small country and you might not get the right treatment”, but I can say they are all wrong because we are so happy. I mean, everything was so professional, they called us, video calls, they told us what…what…what like blood tests or other treatments we have done in the past. Because they were so professional and they explained to us step by step. In the end we decided to come and all I can say from the moment we walked in the airport, the driver was waiting for us.

They helped us with everything. It was just me and my sister, two ladies with a little boy, four years old, he was not easy. And then we thought, “Oh my God, it’s gonna be a very hard journey for us”, but actually they make it so easier and once we arrived, the doctor, she…she came into this herself show us what we were going to do for the whole week and how the treatment is going to work. And certainly, the second day we started the blood test, with lots of questions, checked the heart, checked ….Actually, it’s A to Z, it’s not just like when we decided…our first option was Austria. In Austria they said we have to get ready with all these tests before we arrive in Austria, and nobody…they would do just the transport of these cell stems. Instead here, we get..we got…everything together like the treatments, we could live in the same room, like this is our room where we stay for the whole period and we got excellent food, good service people are friendly. So, it is another positive thing for our staying here because it’s not just the treatment but the way they were with us and make our life easier, much easier.

And, what I can say, we hope he’s going to work, because the only thing I can say because it’s a really short period to say all was perfect or anything like that, but my nephew is calmer a little bit already and what we saw…he’s getting a bit of attention when we talk. So, I promised to the doctors in here after three months, I’m going to do another video for you guys to see what’s the difference, in the way he was and the way hopefully, with all the blessing, he is going to be better, able to talk. And, what can I say…in terms of…I’m not sure what more I can say because I’m not a doctor obviously, and my sister, she is the one who was doing lots of research, but she’s with the boy running around, he’s a little hyperactive and will never stay still, even though it’s better now. But I can say it is a place to come and we are so grateful for everyone and I really want to say a big thank you for the service, for the treatment, and also, I did treat myself. I did a detox which I wanted to do for a long time in the UK but it’s quite busy…because of the covid everything is so impossible to do, but here they’ve been so fast. I did the blood test yesterday and today I got the results. I’ve done the detox thing, and yeah it’s great. I think you should try, at least, don’t be like us. We were a little bit scared, but in the end we were so positive. Thank you clinic and thank you Serbia.

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