
IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)


IMR therapy is a complex approach aimed at rebooting the metabolism at the cellular level. It plays an important role in the maintenance of normal cell functioning. Damages and subsequent dysfunctions of cellular metabolism contribute to the manifestation and progression of a range of human diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic fatigue syndrome, age-related deterioration of brain function and vision (including Alzheimer disease), and immune function (multiple sclerosis), as well as other age-related health problems that are caused by an oxygen free-radical damage, inflammation, and glycation. IMR therapy can be applied for treating these disorders. It uses a complex of nutrients – vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and trace elements, that is customized depending on a patient’s diagnosis and condition and is administered via an IV drip. This is normally a safe, painless and well-tolerated procedure. It can potentiate other concomitant therapies, such as stem cell treatment, or may be used as a solo-treatment.


At present, scientists believe that many disorders in our body are caused by a metabolic imbalance; however, conventional therapy often treats symptoms but does not eliminate the underlying causes. Swiss Medica offers IMR therapy, a complex approach to treatment by rebooting the metabolism at the cellular level. IMR stands for “Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy”. This approach may be used both as a solo medical procedure and along with stem cell therapy or other types of treatment.

IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)
 IMR therapy may be used both as a solo medical procedure and along with stem cell therapy or other types of treatment.

IMR therapy targets and expected results

Intracellular structures that participate in maintaining the metabolism at the cellular level are the key target of IMR therapy. Energy for all metabolic reaction is produced through cellular respiration when cells generate ATP molecules – the universal source of energy – from raw materials provided through food. Various diseases, some toxic drugs, and environmental factors may lead to the deterioration of normal metabolic reactions and further manifestation and progression of a range of human diseases. IMR therapy alters the intake of metabolically active nutrients which naturally occur in our organism to provide the optimal molecular environment for our body.

IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)
Schiefertafel mit der chemischen Formel von ATP

Diseases treated with IMR therapy

It was shown that IMR therapy works best for patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic fatigue syndrome, age-related deterioration of brain function and vision (including Alzheimer disease), and immune function (multiple sclerosis), as well as other age-related health problems that come from oxygen free-radical damage, inflammation, and glycation. Some medical experts observe significant (and at times life-altering) clinical responses to combinations of vitamins and cofactors (antioxidants).

How does IMR therapy work?

Effects of IMR therapy come from the role of each component used in the complex administered to a patient. The general benefit is the metabolism recovery via rebooting respiration function and increasing energy production in cells. This happens due to the following coherent outcomes of such an approach:

  • Enhanced cell sensitivity and further transportation of trace elements: beneficial vitamins and trace elements involved in cellular metabolism reach cells more effectively.
  • Increasing excretion of pathological proteins, toxins and heavy metals, effective cleanup of extracellular space.
  • Maintenance of normal levels of free radicals and reactive oxygen species.
  • Stimulation of white blood cells and macrophage production to increase resistance to pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances.
  • Enhancing reparative functions for faster wound healing and tissue functions recovery.
  • Normalized function of the immune system.

The most important effect of IMR therapy is its potentiation of primary therapies.

Components of IMR treatment

The number of scientific studies is growing which confirm therapeutic and preventive effects of high doses of nutrients and their positive contribution to health and longevity. The combination of components and their dosage are customized depending on the patient’s diagnosis, conditions, and adjuvant therapies. The complete profile of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements is configured based on preliminary analysis and medical examination. Additional nutrients may be prescribed in the form of tablets or solutions for several weeks after the IMR procedure.

IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)
Effects of IMR therapy originate from the role of each component in the complex administered to the patient.

IMR treatment procedures

Before starting IMR therapy, Swiss Medica doctors will examine you, determine your current health state and individual characteristics, carry out laboratory tests to assess your nutritional status and then personalize the IMR therapy by adjusting the composition of the cocktail, dosage of components and the frequency of administration.

Preliminary procedures

IMR therapy is a kind of infusion procedure that requires catheterization to set an IV line. The infusion solution is prepared prior to each procedure. Its proportion is determined based on the preliminary analysis and medical examination.


An individually selected combination of beneficial substances and trace elements is administered intravenously. Generally, the procedure is completed within an average of 3 hours and is carried out as an ordinary intravenous drip.

Your comfort during the procedures

Normally you wouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort, though you may feel some discomfort during catheterization.

IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)
An individually selected combination of nutrients is administered intravenously.

Safety aspects of IMR therapy: risks and side effects

Natural nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids, are normally present in the body. IMR therapy usually aims to restore these nutrient levels or increase them where necessary. IMR therapy generally has no side effects, however, it can be dangerous if a safe dosage of nutritional supplements is not observed. Individual intolerance, however rare, can not be excluded from its potential risks. At Swiss Medica, specialists will monitor your condition for safer and more beneficial results and will take appropriate measures to mitigate any possible risks.

Personalized approach

If you are reading this material, it is likely that you have visited our specialist and have been prescribed IMR therapy. Each individual human being has a unique biochemical and psychological status. You will be offered a treatment plan based on your diagnosis, state of health and primary and/or concomitant therapy.

IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)
Your Swiss Medica doctor will examine you, determine your current health state and individual characteristics, carry out laboratory tests to assess your nutritional status and then develop an IMR treatment plan. Our specialists will monitor your condition for safer and more beneficial results and take appropriate measures to mitigate any possible risks.

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IMR Therapy (Intracellular Metabolism Recovery Therapy)
Dr. Aleksandra Fetyukhina, MD

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor

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