“Hi, this is Wendy. We came to the clinic because Wendy was a quadriplegic when she first came in here. We’ve had quite a few things going on with the medical profession over in the UK, so we came here to Russia to see if we can get Wendy to move again with stem cell treatments and the other treatments that they do.
I’ve had the disease for 12 years now, I’ve got the diagnoses. The reason why I chose Swiss Medica, because to be honest, they answered all my questions, I didn’t feel like they just want to get my money, they wanted to help me.
They have been absolutely fantastic every step of the way. It is just like a private hospital / hotel / fantastic place to be really. The staff are amazing.
They are very friendly.
Exceptionally friendly, once you get passed the barrier. You put yourself out there a little bit for them and they will pay you back tenfold. The doctors, the nurses, the staff, the people that help the staff, absolutely amazing.
The first thing when I came, I hate flying, I haven’t gone abroad in 9 years, because I hate flying, but I wanted to come here because I knew it would be very good for me. For the stem cells to develop it would take 2 weeks to 3 months, for them to get to work.
I’ve had one treatment, and within one treatment, everything started kicking back in. I feel a lot better. I could talk a lot better. I even started moving.
After the second treatment. Yeah, after the second treatment and Wendy’s not had any movement for year and a half – 2 years, maybe even a little more than that, and after the second treatment and the doctors’ advice of closing her eyes and trying to think of how to exercise her body, she’s started moving her left thumb. The night later, she moved her arms.
Few treatments later and a total whip up, honestly, with treatments and everything, and being in Wendy’s condition, a total day of sleep, no action, no nothing. But the next hand, her thumb starting going on her left hand. Then she started moving her index finger on her left hand, which is not her favourite hand, but it’s always been her stronger hand for some reason. And then the night before…
The night before I was moving my little finger.
The little finger on her right hand. Absolutely amazing! Absolutely amazing! This is just the start, the stem cells are still not supposed to kick in for another week or so, up to 3 months. And just with the extra treatments that they give you, with the stem cells, to obviously give them to perpetuate the growth. And Wendy’s started moving!
And even with some of the people that we’ve spoken to around here, it is amazing what has happened to Wendy and… Come to Russia, come meet the people! Come meet Swiss Medica!
Definitely have the treatment, there’s no reason why you should have it.
And Moscow is a great place, it’s basically a capital city full of people, not necessarily just Russian, there are many different cultures and many different people. It is a beautiful city. If nothing else, come for the city, it’s stunning, absolutely stunning! And Red Square doesn’t mean it’s all red, red is their way of describing it’s beautiful and it is, it is absolutely stunning and it is so clean, it is phenomenal.“
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Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor