Arterial hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a chronic disease connected with elevation of blood pressure inside the arteries. Blood vessels carrying oxygen from the body’s heart connect the main organ of the organism with its tissues. Blood pressure is the strength with which blood pushes against the walls of arteries.

Arterial Hypertension: Symptoms, Types, Consequences
The early disease can progress asymptomatically. The main evidence of this pathological condition is laboured breathing in the periods of physical activity. As a rule, it starts slowly, getting worse over time. Other symptoms include fatigue, chest pain and faintness. Patients with arterial hypertension often suffer from swelling in ankles and legs.

The disease is classified into two types:
- essential or primary type;
- secondary type.
The first type of the disease is not connected with any distinct underlying medical causes. It includes about 90% of all cases in the world. The rest 10% of cases belong to the secondary type of the pathology. In this instance, hypertension is caused by other health problems.
If a patient does not receive proper arterial hypertension therapy, the illness can seriously damage the whole organism. It often causes hardening and narrowing of arteries, which limits blood flow to the patient’s heart, brain, kidneys, legs and arms. As a result, the following can develop: heart attacks, kidney failure, chest pain, eye damage, stroke and aneurysms.
Stem Cell Therapy for Arterial Hypertension
This method of therapy is widely performed in Swiss Medica ХХI Century. As practice shows, it has noticeable positive effect in disease control. Our clients receive transplantation of stem cells of mesenchymal origin. After the procedures, they demonstrate unchanging decline in blood pressure, and over time, most of them lose the necessity of further hypotensive therapy. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy lets people get free of headache, insomnia and dyspnea. Our patients note that after treatment their mental abilities and sexual potency improved considerably.
As our research activities show, mesenchymal stem cells are able to differentiate: they can perform functions of any type of human cells. This fact gives us the unique opportunity to replace lesional tissues in a patient’s organism. Stem cell arterial hypertension treatment is based on transplantation of healthy cells into damaged organs – blood vessels and surrounding tissues. This procedure contributes to blood vessel thickening and restoring the proper blood flow throughout the whole body.
Adult Autologous Stem Cell Therapy : Effective and Safe
This method of arterial hypertension treatment is based on the use of the patient’s own stem cells. Our specialists take the cells from adipose tissue or bone marrow and create new beta cells for transplantation. Having the ability to self-renew, they “re-educate” the person’s blood vessels and prevent them from narrowing and hardening. The operation is absolutely safe and quickly: we need small amounts of adipose tissue stem cells and take them from available parts of human body..
Stem cell therapy does not include general anesthesia. Our patients don’t suffer from any side effects, allergic or immune reactions. They are treated with their own cells, so rejection is also out of the question. During arterial hypertension treatment in Swiss Medica ХХI Century there were no cases of contamination by transmissible illnesses or any oncological complications.
We offer our clients only safe and effective methods of treatment – and can prove our competence in this sphere by a number of cases when stem cell therapy cured people from arterial hypertension in any stage.
Swiss Medica ХХI Century
Swiss Medica Clinic has developed the Adult Autologous Stem Cell Therapyprogram to treat a variety of conditions. During stem cell treatment a patient receives 200 – 300 million stem cells. The quantity of restored cells not only covers daily losses, but exceeds them a thousand times. Thus, the reserve of the stem cells, practically lost for the latest 15 – 20 years, is restored. After such an active cell replenishment, organ gets rejuvenated and renewed, because the new and active cells displace the old and damaged ones.
Swiss Medica ХХI Century has been working for 20 years already. Its successful clinical experience covers restoration and revitalization of the body. Our specialists prevent a number of serious age related and chronic diseases. Working with modern technologies, we are constantly improving our knowledge, developing skills and approaches in this field. There are RNA-based medications, stem cells therapy, and cellular active factors in the list of our technologies. We are ready to demonstrate the clients our successful clinical experience in healing a number of patients with T1DM.
Undergoing treatment in our clinic, patients receive activated autologous mesenchymal stem cellstherapy. The cells are taken from bone marrow or/and adipose tissue. The procedures stop autoimmune aggression of the body against the cells producing insulin, renewing the pancreas’ destroyed areas and thus restoring their functions.
The advantages of our treatment system:
- Absence of side effects and rejection by using the person’s own stem cells.
- Absence of any immune and allergic reactions (cells suit the patient’s genetic and chromosomal structure).
- No need for general anaesthesia.
- Impossibility of contamination by transmissible illnesses.
- Absence of oncological complications because of adult stem cells maturity.
- Small amounts of the tissue needed for the therapy.
- The short period of time between making lipo-aspiration and injecting the activated stem cells to the patient.
- Good access to adipose tissue stem cells.

Swiss Medica ХХI Century clinic offers safe and effective treatments associated with the team of highly qualified professionals. We realize the importance of conducting personalized care and promise you proven results. Our aim is to reach the top standards of treatment for every patient – and we always succeed in it.
You can undergo a medical treatment in Moscow (Russia), Belgrade (Serbia), or Switzerland.
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Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor
Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor