He devoted ten years of his life working at a factory, producing chemicals, which was his deceased father’s bussiness.
Coughing has always been a problem for him. But as time passed, it became more and more disturbing.
At last, he understood that it was time to see a doctor. Asthma was the diagnosis.
Sometimes at night he would awaken by his own coughing, it was so strong that his skin became slightly blue sometimes.
He often felt tightness in chest and shortness of breath.
Acute asthma exacerbations happened more and more frequently. He couldnot even do physical exercises for they caused asthma attacks. Unable even to keep himself healthy he first tried to change somethingin his life, something that provoked the disease: he stopped smoking, moved to a contryside, changed his work position, started doing mainly paperwork. But the disease already got to one of its terminal stages. So he got to the clinic Swiss Medica in Switzerland, and did adipose-derived stem cells treatment. The fresh air at the site helped him even more. So, a year past the treatment he feels absolutely healthy.
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Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor