Hello, my name is Judith. I’m 58 and I have motor neurone disease. I was diagnosed in October 2015. As the disease progressed quite quickly, a friend and I looked on the internet, looking for alternative therapies.
Swiss Medica
We found many people offering stem cells, but the only one we had confidence in, because of their fast replies and very definite replies to our questions was Swiss Medica. We came to the clinic in Russia, been quite scared as you might imagine, but we were instantly at ease. It is like stepping into a family. The treatment rejuvenated me, and hopefully, the four stem cell therapies that I’ve had will stop the progression and hopefully see my mobility become better. But for sure I am feeling much better since being here.
Treatment procedures
Every day we had four infusions and intramuscular injections, which was absolutely pain free and we had a nurse on our side all the time. When she wasn’t there she was within a calling distance. Apart from the infusions daily, I had one stem cell therapy, where they took fat from my stomach under local anesthetic. The doctor was amazing. No pain, all very kind, kept me at ease. Then, the next therapy was the bone marrow. This was under general anesthetic, but again pain free and took maybe 10 minutes, so no problem with the anesthetic. Then we had 2 umbilical cord transfusions, which of course, that involves nothing from our bodies, so that was easy, an easy IV transfusion. So now I’m just waiting for the results. The doctor has explained everything to me clearly and I will be in touch on a regular basis through Skype. If there’s anything at all, I’m sure they will be answering my questions as quickly as they did in the beginning. All the staff were welcoming. Everyone is so friendly and I will take happy memories away with me.
Contact us
Contact us and our doctors will recommend you individual treatment program and offer the best stem cell program

Medical Advisor, Swiss Medica doctor